Stock Market Fundamentals
Hi Everyone! My name is Zac Hartley and in this course I am going to teach you everything you need to know in order to feel confident making your first investments in the stock market.
2. History of the Stock Market
3. Stocks and Bonds
4. Index's
5. How the stock market works
6. Types of Analysis
7. Price
8. Trend Lines
9. Patterns
11. Moving Averages
12. MACD
13. RSI
14. Using Indicators
15. Strategy
16. Stop Loss
17. Options
18. Setting up the charts
19. Making the trade
20. ETF's and Mutual Funds
21. Execution
23. Intro to Fundamental Analysis
22. Technical Summary
32. Short Selling
28. How Dividends work -
31. Managing a portfolio
33. Course Summary
27. Comparing Companies Using Ratios
26. Ratios
34. Beyond Meat Trade
30. Diversification
29. Dividend Investing
25. Reading Financial Statements
24. Finding the Financials
45. Selling Air Canada Options
47. Selling Lulu Lemon
46. Shopify Options
48. 3 Trades
53. VIX
49. Practice Accounts
43. Air Canada Option Update
51. How to handle down days
54. Selling Tesla
35. Chart Lists
42. Buying ETFS and Index funds
40. Trading Through Covid
44. Air Canada Update 2 and Covid Numbers
55- Day Trading Intro
38. Market Cap and Share Price
41. Air Canada Options
61. FOMO
59. Hot Keys
58. Trading Journal
60 Averaging Down
57. shorting a stock
56- Setting Up the Dashboard- udemy
56- Setting Up the Dashboard
64. Setting up indicators
66. 5 things I wish I knew
69- Buying into an IPO
65- uber
63. Order Types
67. Long Term Portfolio
68- 1 page trading strategy
71- Position size vs diversification
70. How I set my stop loss
73. Pre and Post Market Trading
72. Margin